Review 2/3/2011
I graduated college not so long ago, and dove in head first in the job market. I was ready and eager to start my career. I believed that once I got my degree, I would go get a job with a company that would take care of me, have a retirement plan, and so on.
Maybe that was true five years ago, but not today. I was a victim of an economy that affected young and old alike. The economy has yet to pick up on jobs, and the ones that are hiring aren’t paying much, giving out benefits, etc.
I found the ad in the local paper, figured it wouldn’t hurt. It was strange to hear that no experience was necessary, and they offer full training. That was cool since most jobs I’ve applied to required experience that I didn’t have (How was I supposed to get that experience in the first place?).
I checked the figures about the cost of living vs the salary jobs were offering. It was a sad sight. They offered to train me on how to run my own business with no monetary investment, and no need to purchase the inventory. I had nothing to lose, and all to gain. I did have to work harder than I would do at a job, but they were training me to start my career.