karen m.'s review of Skip The Brokers Fee

Skip The Brokers Fee

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 6/5/2013
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Would not recommend investing $99 to work for this company as a Sales Agent
In May 2013, I responded to an Ad on Craigs List (Tampa, FL) from a company (Skip the Brokers Fee) who was from Skip the Brokers Fee who were recruiting work-at-home salespeople. You are selling a membership service for Skip the Brokers Fee.com/SkiptheBrokersFee.net.
Your job is to sell a membership that gives access to a web portal with apartment listings. To accept the position, the require you to pay a $99 deposit that, in my understanding was to cover for the extensive training that you would receive, and to show the
company that you are serious about the job. So, I paid the $99. From the moment I paid the deposit, everything from there went downhill! The lady that was supposedly my "recruiter" called me to ask me questions about the company's leads and the whereabouts
of the Manager (Annette)..? Then I had to go back and forth with 2 people to get my training started and didn't officially have access to my email, phone ext. or verbal training with a Manager for over a week! When I inquired about what was going on, I was
basically shunned and told to wait. When I insisted on an explanation or else, I was basically told that their "Legal Team" would accuse me of Slander and that they "had my physical address on file". My thoughts at that point were that this was a scam or maybe
the company was just really unorganized..?!!?! All this left a bad taste in my mouth, so I asked Management if I could please have my deposit back, as I did not think this is what I was looking for. They basically said NO. I was getting pretty mad at this
point but nevertheless decided to go ahead and give it another shot. Apparently, they would refund you the $99 if in 30 days if you made 2 membership sales for the company. Then suddenly they quit sending me leads, and I was told by my Manager that "the leads
just stopped coming in" and "there would be slow times".. So I waited and few more days and finally contacted H.R. asking them what was going on. They replied to me "we are confused we thought you were sick and for us not to contact you for 2 weeks please
respond"... Ummmmmm No. They had me mixed up with someone else apparently but then sent me an email basically inquiring why I haven't done the training for the Advertising...? And that apparently we were REQUIRED to post ads on Craigslist so to generate our
own leads? Once again they twisted everything around and I had no clue what they were talking about. Either I'm completely nuts or something obvious is just smacking me right in the face and I haven't caught on yet. After I sent my resignation letter I received
a response from Abigail Mirabella, Senior Manager, Skip The Brokers Fee Inc. There seems to be about 5 different aliases coming from jobs@skipthebrokersfee. Neverthless, she apologized for everything but still made it sound like it was my fault. I would agree
on that only considering that I am a very organized and professional person and cannot work in an extremely unorganized and unprofessional environment! She did not offer to give back my deposit. . For anyone who is considering working for this company, I'll
let you decide based on my experience but please consider being forewarned. There are many other opportunities available out there where you don't have to invest anything and I would definently make quite a bit of contact with the company and it's management
before you decide to work for them to make sure it is a right fit for you.
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