Review 1/26/2011
Daphne express that she would be supplying me with a list of properties and if I was interested in any of them let her know and they will contact the property owner for me to do a walk through. In which if I liked the place they would run my credit for the property owner and an application. The first day she gave me a list of 5 I found three to be of interest to me so I contacted her that night before closing time and told her which ones. She then in turned told me that some one should be giving me a call an set up an appointment to walk through. As a consequence I never received any calls. The following we I had them fax another list but this time I received about 5 pages with very little in my price range or area that I asked for. I was told that she would not give me anything that has nothing to do what I expressed of interest. This was a red flag for me but I still proceeded to at least try to figure out which ones I had interest, I finally came up with about 5 more and faxed it to her and also stated that I was never contacted on the first three. I have to this day not been contacted by not one person.