Review 10/17/2011
When my mother suddenly found herself in need of assisted living, we didn't know where to start--thank goodness Elderlink came up on our first google search! We called them, and immediately Bliss Comroe came to the rescue! She sent us a list of residences that MIGHT work--based on our finances and geographic preferences and the kind of care we felt would be good--very little care, but important. We didn't look at some of the addresses because they were in Newport Beach, and we were sure they would be too expensive. But in a couple days, Bliss called us, and asked how our search was going--we told her, and she urged us to look at the places in Newport--she assured us our assumptions about the cost of Newport were not accurate. So we did look--and found the perfect place! When my mother walked into Vintage Newport, she looked around at the tasteful and classic furniture, the sensitive paintings on the wall--and said, "This feels just like home!" Can you imagine the joy she felt--and I felt--at that? Dutifully, we did look at other options, to be sure we were making an informed choice--but this is the one we came back to, and over this past weekend she moved in. Her studio (single room, bath and balcony) now has her own treasured furniture in it, and when you walk in, it feels like HER place, HER HOME. We have Elderlink, and Bliss in particular, to thank for this. What felt like a disaster in the beginning now--a mere three weeks later--feels like a blessing!
Another area in which Elderlink helped us was in giving us feedback about War Era Veterans Alliance, a company that helps veterans and their surviving widows access aid from the VA--free. We learned that there was such aid, but there are a lot of companies that offer to help you apply--but are not reliable. It was hard for us to know whom to trust in this area, but when I asked Elderlink about WEVA, she was able to tell me that they had heard good things about them, and no bad ones--that was enough to give us the confidence to go ahead with WEVA.
So at a time when we were feeling scared and all alone, it was Bliss and Elderlink who stepped in and held our hands and helped us cross the road into what promises to be a bright and beautiful future.
Bev Noia