Business's response - by BenjaminLon 3/7/2011
This customer is LYING about what he lost. ALL we charged on this transaction was a 20% restocking fee, which in this customer's order is about $30, not $100. We cannot be responsible for shipping fees incurred by HIS change of mind about the product.
And about the time it took...customer is LYING again. He purchased a product, then decided to return it because it didn't suit his needs. The day we received the product, the customer emailed us stating that we shouldn't refund his credit card because the Bank had blocked it. Then he emailed us again stating it was fine. Our Accounting Dept issued the refund 3 days later. What a difference between the "30 days" the customer is LYING about and the REALITY of getting a refund 3 days after we received the product.
Furthermore, we were always courteous with the customer and replied to every contact he made with us. We acted exactly as our policies state and even waived some fees at the end, in order to help him.
The main problem here is that the customer didn't agree to our policies regarding restocking fees, which are clearly stated on our website and to which he agreed upon placing his order.
Of course nobody likes paying restocking fees, but why should a merchant have to bear the cost of reselling something that was a special order and that maybe could end up costing the merchant much more than the restocking fees? Also, the merchant could get stuck with a product it would never buy for stock in the first place.