Exceptional College Planning Services
My biggest concerns regarding my daughter's College attendance have always been the rising cost and overcrowding of the UC and Cal State schools. My husband and I attended a College Planning Expert seminar during our daughter’s sophomore year at Golden Valley High School. I walked away from the initial seminar remembering two key points. The first was that sometimes private schools are more affordable due to school merit and need based awards. And the second was that because private schools are not overcrowded it's easier for your child to graduate in four years versus the five or six at the UC and Cal State schools also making it more cost-effective. During our daughter’s junior and senior year, we utilized all the resources that CPE had to offer including the College tours, narrowing down College selections and assistance with applications and essay writing. When it came time to commit to a College, CPE staff also helped us compare the various award packages and determine that a private school was the better value and choice. We are extremely grateful to all the staff at CPE for their assistance in making our daughter’s College dream a reality.