Elaine W.'s review of Caleb Treeze Organic Farm

Caleb Treeze Organic Farm

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/3/2022
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So far, so good
Okay, this is probably good for a laugh. I stumbled upon the Old Amish Muscle Tonic while browsing in a shop. My muscles (leg, in particular) are a horror show. I thought the bottle was somewhat pricey (over $10) but bought it anyway. I didn't read it carefully and assumed it was like liniment. Later, I saw that the key ingredients were apple cider vinegar, ginger and garlic; I thought I'd better be careful not to apply this just before going to work because I'd get a lot of comments on how I smelled. But then I re-read the label more carefully and realized that it's a DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. It goes in you, not on you. I followed the instructions and added a capful to a small-sized can of ginger ale. Liked the taste. Added another capful. I am not joking: my muscles, here during pretty cold weather in the south, have hurt MUCH less since I started using the tonic. Sure, maybe it's due to other factors such as taking a CoQ10 supplement, or Tylenol, or improved sleep, but at least for now I'm willing to give plenty of credit to this tonic. A couple of friends for years now have been pushing me to use apple cider vinegar, so this may well be something I could cook up on my own and save $11-12 per bottle. I'll think about it. I've got most of the bottle left and it's not even winter yet.
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