Review 2/19/2011
Buyer Beware of Cal Spa's Customer Service
Because of limited space and the ability to customize, on 12/20/10 we decided to order a Cal Spa ES625. We understood the company was closed during the holidays and would receive our spa in the middle of January. After several missed delivery promises we finally received our spa the end of January. When delivered we realized this was not the spa that we ordered. We contacted the dealer and was told this was the upgraded 2011 model and the ES625 was no longer available, we received the ES628. Problem.... part of the reason we ordered this was because it had a waterfall and we were able to order a custom light package. The ES628 has a totally different seat configuration, no waterfall and instead of perimeter lights we have lights in the jets. We contacted the dealer and Cal Spa customer service and were told this one is better and more expensive than the one we ordered. Cal Spa customer service was NO help and took 5 phone calls to get the spec sheet on the E628. As of this day, 2/19/11, the ES628 is not even listed on their website it still shows the ES625 and you can't even order it! In this day and age of instant communication via cell phone or email, a simple phone call to ask if we still wanted this spa would have avoided an upset customer. The dealer offered to take the spa back but we couldn't order the 625, can't get a waterfall in the 628 and now even the color we ordered was unavailable. We want to warn other customers so that they may avoid the frustration of dealing with Cal Spa. I can't believe that a company so large doesn't have their website updated with the 2011 models until the end of February. Supposedly the dealer didn't have updated information as well, if you don't have information available and don't have your website updated, don't sell the product!